We supply radiation protection and measuring equipment, shielding, storage, phantoms and flood sources.
These are the Nuclear Medicine Products
Dose Calibrator
- CRC-55tR
- CRC-55tW
Lead Accessories
- Lead Shielded Syringe Holder SPECT/PET
- Lead Shielded Multi Syringe Holder SPECT
- Syringe Carrier for SPECT/PET
- Sharp Container Shield for SPECT/PET
- Tungsten/Lead Syringe Shield for PET/SPECT
- Elution Vial Shield SPECT-lead/Tungstan
- Lead Container with Removable Lead Stop
- Spect L-Bench
- Lead Brick
- Vial Handing Tong
- Mobile Barrier
- Thyroid Rod Source Container
- Foot Operator Waste Bin
- Decay Drum
- Capper
- Decapper
- Lead Brick
Radiation Detection Equipments
- RDS-30
- Dose-i
- Rad 60 R or S
- CAP-RAD Smart Area Monitor
- Hi Range Survey Meter
- Decontamination Kit
- Flood Phantum
- Spatial Resolution Phantom
- Bar Phantom
- Dtpa Thyroid Syring Holder
QC Sources
- Co-57 Flood
- Dose Calibrator Reference Standards (RV or E Vial
- Well Counter (Rod) Standards
QC Equipments
- Multi-Channel Analyser for γ-Spectroscopy
- Radioactivity Hplc Flow Monitor
- Radio Flow Monitor For Spect and Pet (GABI NOVA)
- Radio -Hplc
- Gas Chromatograph for QC Applications
- TLC scanner-Mini Gita
- Synthra Rad Chromplus
Shielding & Storage
- Thyroid Shield
- Lead Goggles
- Gonad Shielding
- Lead Apron
- Fume Hood
- CAPRAC®-t Wipe Test/Well Counter-
- Captus® 4000e Thyroid Uptake System