CRC®-55tPET Dose Calibrator

- dose calibrator combines the ultimate features with the quality and versatility that you’ve come to expect in one of the industry’s finest packages. Using the menu-driven, color touch screen interface, the CRC-55tPET calibrator’s reduced chamber pressure and increased bias voltage increases the maximum activity range for high energy PET isotopes. The CRC-55tPET unit’s performance and reliability has been designed to meet the demanding needs for speed and accuracy in the preparation and measurement of doses in any laboratory environment.
- The enhanced 55t software supports dual chamber technology with an innovative functional design that includes a large, easy-to-read display that specifies Nuclide Name, Number, Activity, Unit of Measure and Calibration Number.
- Entering data through the custom touch screen interface is fast and includes 28 programmable keys. The user can select from 80 nuclides by simply selecting the nuclide symbol on the touch screen interface.
- Additional capabilities include storage of reference sources in memory that automatically decay corrects for today’s time and date. Automated quality control tests and self-diagnostics are built-in with automatic zero and background subtraction making the CRC-55tPET calibrator exceptionally easy to use. An optional printer enables the CRC-55tPET unit to print full size records and patient tickets with peel off labels for vial and syringe identification.
- Ionization Chamber
- • Type: Thin wall, deep well
- • Fill Gas: 5 atm Ultra Pure Argon
- Measurement Range
- • Type: Auto Ranging
- • Activity: 20 Curies of F-18
- • Resolution: 0.1 μCi (0.01 MBq), max.
- Display Screen
- • Type: 8” VGA LCD Color Touch Screen Display
- • Format: Direct reading in Ci or Bq
- • Bq/Ci Reading: User selectable or fixed
- • Values Displayed: Nuclide name (Atomic symbol, Mass number), calibration
- number
- Electrometer
- • Accuracy: Better than ± 2%
- • Linearity: Within ± 2%
- • Response Time: Within 2 sec., 4 to 16 sec. for very low activity samples
- • Bias Voltage: +500V
- Standard Source Data
- • System Memory: Co-57, Co-60, Ba-133, Cs-137, Na-22 Standard Sources
- Overall Accuracy
- • Accuracy Determined By:
- 1) Calibration for the specific nuclide and the sample configuration,
- 2) Accuracies of standard sources used for calibration of electrometer tests
- • Diagnostics: Full test of program, system memories
- • Daily: Auto Zero, Auto Background, Voltage Test, Data Check, Accuracy and
- Constancy
- • Enhanced: Linearity, Geometry
- Repeatability of Measurement
- • Repeatability: Within ± 1% within 24 hours during which time the calibrator is
- continuously on all the time
- Nuclear Data
- • Nuclide Keys: 28 programmable keys
- • System Memory: Over 80 nuclides
Additional Info
- Display
- Well counter
- Display stand
- Liner
- Dipper
- Power cable
- 25 pin connector
- Manual
- Calibration certificate
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