Welcome to Samrudhdi Health Equipments Private Ltd.

Samrudhdi Health Equipments Private Limited is a Leading Medical Equipment Marketing & Distribution Company.

Who we are

Although Samrudhdi Health Equipments Private Limited got established in 2019 earlier we were representing in Indian market under the name of Samrudhdi Enterprises. So our team got an overall experience of 12 years in Indian Molecular Imaging field.
While serving to the industry we had supplied our first indigenous product waste gas system for Cyclotron facility in year 2010 & a fully Automatic 48 vials dispenser in year 2019 at BARC RMC, Mumbai. In March 2021 we did supply BRIT, New Delhi 20 Vials 4 axis robotic dispenser.
Apart from Indian market we even had supplied entire Hot Lab accessories to Purbanchal Cancer Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Birtamode, Nepal and C11 Methyl, HPLC and GC of Synthra GmBh at Bangladesh for their Government project.
We are proud to be a part of execution team along with Von Gahlen & Rotem to have India’s first GMP lab at Molecular Imaging facility, Cochin. It comprises supply of main equipment such as 100 mm Dual Chamber Hot Cell, 75 mm Dual Chamber Hot Cell, Dispenser Hot Cell, Pre-Chamber, 4 tank automatic waste Gas compressing system (of Von Gahlen, Nederland) and state of the art radiation monitoring system from Rotem, Israel.
Apart from these we had also supplied our indigenous interlocking system at Atulaya, Chandigarh, Guwahati Medical Cancer Hospital, Guwahati and PETNET, Kolkata. 

Product Category

Samrudhi Health Equipments Pvt. Ltd. advances in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Solutions with Dose Calibrators, Thyroid Uptake, Radiopharmaceutical Chromatography, Lung Ventilation, Lead-Lined Furniture, Exposure Protection.

We Supply Radiation Protection and Measuring Equipment, Shielding, Storage, Phantoms and Flood Sources.


Samrudhi Health Equipments Pvt. Ltd. We Supply Radiation Protection and Measuring Equipment, Shielding, Storage, Phantoms and Rod Sources, QC Equipment.

CRC®-55tR Dose Calibrator- Item #5130-3234

We Supply Hot Cells, Dispenser, Interlocking System, Target Storage System, Waste Gas System, Chemistry Module, Consumables & O18 water, Type A Transport Box, Radiation Equipment, QC Equipment, Sources, Shielding &storage, Personal Protection equipment, Calibration of Radiation Equipment etc

We Supply Fume Hood, Laminar Flow, Thyroid Uptake System, Personal Protection equipment, Shielding Equipment etc

Our Trusted Partner


By offering products with applications in Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology, Oncology, Endocrinology, Diagnostic Radiology, and Radiation Therapy, the company continues to grow.